Health Services

Nurse Alison & Nurse Beverly
Health Services 2023-2024
Our mission as health care providers of Elmore County, is to assist all children and adolescents in succeeding in school with the special care from a school nurse! School Nurses will assist every student to reach their full academic potential by providing quality nursing care in the school setting. Individual care, screening, teaching, and appropriate medical referring are priority for the school nurse caring for students.
Medication At School
The goal of the school system regarding the administration of medication during school hours is to assist students in maintaining an optimal state of wellness, thus enhancing the educational experience.
Minor illnesses should be treated at home by the parent/guardian. For example, a student with a severe cold, enough to require medication, should remain home. Medication prescribed for three times a day should be given at home - just before leaving for school, upon returning home from school in the afternoon, and at bedtime. It is strongly encouraged that daily morning medications, such as ADD or ADHD medications, be given at home.
Parent's Responsibility
The parent/guardian and the prescribing physician must complete and sign the school medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization Form (PPA).
The parent/guardian must provide the school with medication that is in a correctly labeled prescription bottle/container.
The parent/guardian must provide the school with a new, signed PPA if medication orders are changed during the school year.
The parent/guardian, or parent designated responsible adult, shall deliver all medication to the school nurse.
The parent/guardian shall pick up student's medication at the end of the school year.
The parent/guardian shall give the first dose of a new medication at home in case of a possible allergic reaction.
Student's Responsibility
Students will NOT deliver medications to the school.
Students who have a doctor's order to have medication on their person (i.e. asthma inhaler, or EpiPen) will not share medication with other students.
Students will notify their teacher/school personnel at the onset of any distress or allergic reactions. The student will know where medication is kept and be familiar with personal action plan.
School's Responsibility
The school's administration, along with the school nurse, shall designate specific personnel who shall ensure the right student receives the right medication, in the right dosage, by the right route, at the right time, and is documented in the right way.
The designated school personnel that are assigned to administer medication will follow the medication policy, medication protocol, and administer medication in a safe setting.
The designated school personnel will not administer oral medication to a student who has recently vomited.
In the event of an allergic reaction or an emergency situation involving medication, the school will handle the problem as any other medical emergency.
The school personnel can give over the counter medication to a student, but the medication must be prescribed by a physician, with a PPA, and provided in a new, sealed original bottle.
The school personnel will refuse to administer medication when there is a discrepancy i.e. label different from instructions, label is unclear, or label is torn. This medication will not be given until clarification is obtained.
The school personnel will count all controlled drugs when they are received.
Questions and Answers Regarding Medications
Q- Why should parents bring student's medication to school?
A- The Elmore County School System does not want to place any child in a situation where they may be confronted for drugs. Ritalin, as well as other drugs, has a street value. When the parent brings the medication, this ensures no other child will tamper with the medication.
Q- Why can't the school give over the counter medication without an order?
A- The school does not need to be in the position of diagnosing and treating your child's illness. That responsibility rests between the parent and their physician.
Q- Why can't my child keep his/her medication on person?
A- To protect all children from taking medication belonging to another child-no child may keep medication on their person at school. The only exception would be Epipens or similar emergency medications, and those must have a doctor's order to do so.
Q- Why does the school need to count medication?
A- This keeps the parent and the school informed of the amount of medication the school has on hand.
When Your Child Should NOT Be At School
Many parents are concerned about when to keep children at home who have been ill.
These are a few of the most common reasons children should stay home or may be sent home from school:
1.) FEVER: Your child should stay home if he/she runs a fever of 100.0 degrees(orally) or higher and should remain home for 24 hours after the fever is gone WITHOUT fever reducing medication.
2.) VOMITING AND/OR DIARRHEA: Your child should stay home if he/she has vomited or has had diarrhea (more than two episodes of loose stool) just prior to the start of the school day and remain home for 24 hours after the vomiting/diarrhea has subsided. If one or two loose stools are present along with vomiting or fever your child should remain home. If diarrhea continues for more than 48 hours your child will need a doctor's written statement to return to school.
3.) PINKEYE: Conjunctivitis can be very contagious. If the white of your child's eye is red and has thick yellow or greenish colored drainage, you should keep your child home.
* Drainage due to allergies is usually clear and involves both eyes simultaneously.
* Pinkeye can involve only one eye at a time.
* Children with pinkeye are usually sensitive to light, and complain of itching, burning in eye(s), swollen eyelids, and dried drainage on eyelids upon awakening.
4.) HEAD LICE: Children with live bugs will not be allowed in school until their heads have been treated and the nits removed. All nits must be removed to prevent re-infestation.
5.) IMPETIGO: Impetigo are sores that have become infected and can be found anywhere on the body including the face. The sores can drain infected material before become crusty. If the sores have not dried, they will need to be covered while child is in school. Your child can return to school once treated by a physician for at least 24 hours. Upon returning to school the parent will need to provide a written statement from the treating physician.
6.) RINGWORM: Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin, hair, and nails. Ringworms must be covered with a clean dressing while the child is at school. Ringworm of the head(hair) will need to be evaluated by a physician.
7.) RASHES: Any child that has an undiagnosed rash cannot come to school. When the child is sent home from school with a rash, a physician's note is required for the child to return to school.
8.) COUGHING/SNEEZING/NASAL DRAINAGE: Your child should not come to school with excessive coughing, sneezing, and nasal drainage. If the child has been kept awake at night with these interruptions, please allow the child to recover at home.
9.) STREP THROAT: If your child has been diagnosed with strep throat (this requires a special test by a health care provider), your child should stay home for 24 hours after antibiotic therapy has been started, or your physician states otherwise.
10.) COVID: If a child is diagnosed with Covid, they should remain home until they are fever free x 24 hours or follow their doctor's recommendation. Upon return, a mask is not mandatory, but encouraged. We strongly recommend universal precautions such as good hand washing and covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
Click on the link about for more information regarding the Coronavirus
Alabama Students Can Now Use Sunscreen at School
Students in Alabama's public and private schools are now allowed to use sunscreen at school despite any existing State Department of Education or Board of Nursing regulations that restrict the use of prescription and over-the-counter medications. It also makes the schools immune from liability if a student does - or does not - opt to apply sun protection.
Finding a Safe Backpack
Despite their potential problems, backpacks are great when used properly. Before you buy one, though, consider a backpack's construction.
Look for the following features to choose the right backpack:
- a lightweight pack: get one that doesn't add a lot of weight to your child's load; for example, leather packs look cool, but they weigh more than canvas backpacks
- two wide, padded shoulder straps: straps that are too narrow can dig into shoulders
- a padded back: it not only provides increased comfort but also protects kids from being poked by sharp objects or edges (pencils, rulers, notebooks, etc.) inside the pack
- a waist belt: this helps to distribute the weight more evenly across the body
- multiple compartments: to help distribute the weight throughout the pack
Although packs on wheels (which look like small, overhead luggage bags) may be good options for students who have to lug around really heavy loads, they're very hard to pull up stairs and to roll through snow. Check with the school before buying a rolling pack; many do not allow them because they can be a tripping hazard in the hallways.
Flu Vaccination
Why should people get vaccinated against the flu?
Influenza is a serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death. Every flu season is different, and influenza infection can affect people differently, but millions of people get the flu every year, hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized and thousands or tens of thousands of people die from flu-related causes every year. Even healthy people can get very sick from the flu and spread it to others. The CDC estimates that flu-related hospitalizations since 2010 ranged from 140,000 to 710,000, while flu-related deaths are estimated to have ranged from 12,000 to 56,000 ( During flu season, flu viruses circulate at higher levels in the U.S. population. (“Flu season” in the United States can begin as early as October and last as late as May.) An annual seasonal flu vaccine is the best way to reduce your risk of getting sick with seasonal flu and spreading it to others. When more people get vaccinated against the flu, less flu can spread through that community. Additional information regarding flu disease and the flu vaccine is located in Document Uploads under Flu Information.
Websites for Health Services Information
Alabama Department of Public Health
Centers for Disease Control
Meningococcal Information - Alabama Department of Public Health
Flu & Pneumonia Vaccines - Alabama Department of Public Health
Health Services 2023-2024
Our mission as health care providers of Elmore County, is to assist all children and adolescents in succeeding in school with the special care from a school nurse! School Nurses will assist every student to reach their full academic potential by providing quality nursing care in the school setting. Individual care, screening, teaching, and appropriate medical referring are priority for the school nurse caring for students.
Medication At School
The goal of the school system regarding the administration of medication during school hours is to assist students in maintaining an optimal state of wellness, thus enhancing the educational experience.
Minor illnesses should be treated at home by the parent/guardian. For example, a student with a severe cold, enough to require medication, should remain home. Medication prescribed for three times a day should be given at home - just before leaving for school, upon returning home from school in the afternoon, and at bedtime. It is strongly encouraged that daily morning medications, such as ADD or ADHD medications, be given at home.
Parent's Responsibility
The parent/guardian and the prescribing physician must complete and sign the school medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization Form (PPA).
The parent/guardian must provide the school with medication that is in a correctly labeled prescription bottle/container.
The parent/guardian must provide the school with a new, signed PPA if medication orders are changed during the school year.
The parent/guardian, or parent designated responsible adult, shall deliver all medication to the school nurse.
The parent/guardian shall pick up student's medication at the end of the school year.
The parent/guardian shall give the first dose of a new medication at home in case of a possible allergic reaction.
Student's Responsibility
Students will NOT deliver medications to the school.
Students who have a doctor's order to have medication on their person (i.e. asthma inhaler, or EpiPen) will not share medication with other students.
Students will notify their teacher/school personnel at the onset of any distress or allergic reactions. The student will know where medication is kept and be familiar with personal action plan.
School's Responsibility
The school's administration, along with the school nurse, shall designate specific personnel who shall ensure the right student receives the right medication, in the right dosage, by the right route, at the right time, and is documented in the right way.
The designated school personnel that are assigned to administer medication will follow the medication policy, medication protocol, and administer medication in a safe setting.
The designated school personnel will not administer oral medication to a student who has recently vomited.
In the event of an allergic reaction or an emergency situation involving medication, the school will handle the problem as any other medical emergency.
The school personnel can give over the counter medication to a student, but the medication must be prescribed by a physician, with a PPA, and provided in a new, sealed original bottle.
The school personnel will refuse to administer medication when there is a discrepancy i.e. label different from instructions, label is unclear, or label is torn. This medication will not be given until clarification is obtained.
The school personnel will count all controlled drugs when they are received.
Questions and Answers Regarding Medications
Q- Why should parents bring student's medication to school?
A- The Elmore County School System does not want to place any child in a situation where they may be confronted for drugs. Ritalin, as well as other drugs, has a street value. When the parent brings the medication, this ensures no other child will tamper with the medication.
Q- Why can't the school give over the counter medication without an order?
A- The school does not need to be in the position of diagnosing and treating your child's illness. That responsibility rests between the parent and their physician.
Q- Why can't my child keep his/her medication on person?
A- To protect all children from taking medication belonging to another child-no child may keep medication on their person at school. The only exception would be Epipens or similar emergency medications, and those must have a doctor's order to do so.
Q- Why does the school need to count medication?
A- This keeps the parent and the school informed of the amount of medication the school has on hand.
When Your Child Should NOT Be At School
Many parents are concerned about when to keep children at home who have been ill.
These are a few of the most common reasons children should stay home or may be sent home from school:
1.) FEVER: Your child should stay home if he/she runs a fever of 100.0 degrees(orally) or higher and should remain home for 24 hours after the fever is gone WITHOUT fever reducing medication.
2.) VOMITING AND/OR DIARRHEA: Your child should stay home if he/she has vomited or has had diarrhea (more than two episodes of loose stool) just prior to the start of the school day and remain home for 24 hours after the vomiting/diarrhea has subsided. If one or two loose stools are present along with vomiting or fever your child should remain home. If diarrhea continues for more than 48 hours your child will need a doctor's written statement to return to school.
3.) PINKEYE: Conjunctivitis can be very contagious. If the white of your child's eye is red and has thick yellow or greenish colored drainage, you should keep your child home.
* Drainage due to allergies is usually clear and involves both eyes simultaneously.
* Pinkeye can involve only one eye at a time.
* Children with pinkeye are usually sensitive to light, and complain of itching, burning in eye(s), swollen eyelids, and dried drainage on eyelids upon awakening.
4.) HEAD LICE: Children with live bugs will not be allowed in school until their heads have been treated and the nits removed. All nits must be removed to prevent re-infestation.
5.) IMPETIGO: Impetigo are sores that have become infected and can be found anywhere on the body including the face. The sores can drain infected material before become crusty. If the sores have not dried, they will need to be covered while child is in school. Your child can return to school once treated by a physician for at least 24 hours. Upon returning to school the parent will need to provide a written statement from the treating physician.
6.) RINGWORM: Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin, hair, and nails. Ringworms must be covered with a clean dressing while the child is at school. Ringworm of the head(hair) will need to be evaluated by a physician.
7.) RASHES: Any child that has an undiagnosed rash cannot come to school. When the child is sent home from school with a rash, a physician's note is required for the child to return to school.
8.) COUGHING/SNEEZING/NASAL DRAINAGE: Your child should not come to school with excessive coughing, sneezing, and nasal drainage. If the child has been kept awake at night with these interruptions, please allow the child to recover at home.
9.) STREP THROAT: If your child has been diagnosed with strep throat (this requires a special test by a health care provider), your child should stay home for 24 hours after antibiotic therapy has been started, or your physician states otherwise.
10.) COVID: If a child is diagnosed with Covid, they should remain home until they are fever free x 24 hours or follow their doctor's recommendation. Upon return, a mask is not mandatory, but encouraged. We strongly recommend universal precautions such as good hand washing and covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze.