Coosada Choir

Choir Director: Mrs. Galanopoulos
The Coosada Choir is open to 1st and 2nd Grade students at CES.
The choir meets once each week for 30-40 minutes. We prepare songs for 2 programs a year. One program in December and another in May. We also sing at various school and community events.
Holiday Market in Montgomery
Christmas Tree Lighting in Millbrook
Nursing homes in the Millbrook Community
Santa Breakfast at CES
Reading Night at CES
Volunteer Breakfast at CES
In the Spring, the 2nd Grade Choir puts on a mini musical.
Choir forms are sent home towards the end of August each year and the choir fills up fast! We only have 60 spots in each choir. If you are interested in choir be sure to fill out the form as soon as you get it and turn in back in. :)