Ashley Winchester
School Counselor

Phone Number: 334-285-0273 (Ext. 61003)
Hello Hellooooooooooo
My name is Ashley Winchester & I am the Kindergarten & First Grade Counselor!! My job is the BEST JOB in the school!! I serve as the Kinders & Firsties confidant, their listening ear, and even their shoulder to cry on.
Early age students sometimes struggle to verbally communicate their big feelings, thoughts, and emotions!! But that does not, by any means, mean that they are not important!! As their school counselor, that’s where I step in! I am here to guide our young scholars through those big feelings & help them process and understand their emotions!! Even at this early stage in their educational journey we have to learn the appropriate way to handle CONFLICT and resolution. Under this umbrella we also learn how to be KIND to one another, how to SHARE, how to be cooperative & most importantly……how to show EMPATHY as these skills will be evident years later when they enter the workforce!!
I also serve as their personal cheerleader, encourager and motivator!! It is my duty to promote positivity, build self-confidence & help students become aware that the sky is the limit!! I absolutely love teaching whole group classes, small group and one-on-one counseling sessions! It is my goal to create Happy Children!! Children with High Self -Esteem!!! And Children with Manners!! Parents I am here if you need me. I am a very friendly & happy individual, ready to help out in any way I can. Many of you may know me from my 17 years of teaching 3rd grade at Airport Road Intermediate School which is right down the road. I am here for you!! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Children are our Greatest Treasure!!